Bloat is one of those things I hate talking about but needs to be addressed nonetheless… Bloat takes the lives of many dogs every year and while we do know what it is, the cause is not crystal clear. With that being said, it is important that, as a Great Dane owner, you know exactly what it is, what increases your dogs’ risk of being affected by it, symptoms to look out for, and ways you can prevent it.
20 Signs Your Great Dane May be Suffering from Bloat or Gastric Torsion
Bloat can be life-threatening in as little as 30 minutes and sometimes has no apparent cause. Here are 20 signs to look out for so you can be en route to get emergency care ASAP!
What is Happy Tail?
Despite the name, happy tail is anything but. In fact, it is the bane of a dog owners’ existence. It is classified as the complete demolition of your walls, furniture, and decorations via a swinging tail that moves a mile’a minute, resulting in injury to the last few inches (or so) of your dogs’ tail. Repeated collisions with hard surfaces can also prevent it from healing. Wondering what you can do to treat & prevent happy tail? Click the photo above for the #1 most useful trick!
Is your Great Dane walking you?
Because Dior is larger than your average dog, “wHo’S wAlKinG wHo?” is a question I get asked hundreds of times when we are out and about… While it might seem funny for people you ask this obvious heinous question, it can actually be really f’ing scary to picture your 150lb+ dog dragging you down the sidewalk.
Not being able to control your leashed dog can not only be embarrassing, but also dangerous for you and your pup. That is why we never leave the house without THIS!
The Best Great Dane Grooming Tool EVER!!!
Like you, I’ve been on the hunt for a grooming tool that can measure up (greatness-wise) in comparison to my Dane… You’re going to have to take my word on this but trust me – don’t waste another dollar on ANYTHING else until you try this!